after you do the 4th gravity training, the next time you meet with uraraka don.t talk to her just click on the chairs again and do the massage, if you do the training again I think it's a softlock
I'm having a problem with Tsuyu's event, when she asks me to meet her in the evening. We heard Midnight voice and then it appears the ERROR window. Somebody knows what to do with this please?
My guy, I got defeated by the alley way boss and now everything is grey I can't travel and stuff. Need a helping hand can someone teach me how to fix it or is it a bug?
Redo the tentacles in the cave do not use the potion make sure ochako is on your team just keep healing and spamming gravity when you reach the back alley use the potion when you meet the last fancy guy
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Que hago después de la misión del cine??
How do I get the "mystery" person scene?
You need to get the googles from Mei, and go outside the mall, your welcome
I trained "gravity" 3/4 and this happen, I can't get out. Pls help
Click on the left set of chairs and then on the leftmost chair
Thanks for the help !
Bro, can you help me? "gravity" 4/4 idk
after you do the 4th gravity training, the next time you meet with uraraka don.t talk to her just click on the chairs again and do the massage, if you do the training again I think it's a softlock
I noticed the same, it is indeed a softlock. Thanks for the advice btw
Nececito ayuda con la misión de mei la de robar cuerdas de guitarra, entró al súper mercado y dice q no tengo suficiente dinero
puedes ir al centro comercial y conseguirla ahí
How can i find uraraka's mother???
I'm having a problem with Tsuyu's event, when she asks me to meet her in the evening. We heard Midnight voice and then it appears the ERROR window. Somebody knows what to do with this please?
Cómo encuentro al tipo del callejón?
What am I supposed to do?
how did you get the bottom left?
idk what to do after the lab part
how can i defeat Jiro?I stuck with it for2hours already
Mental defeats Physical
Physical defeats Elemental
Elemental defeats Mental
If your enemy is Elemental use Physical if you use Mental its not gonna be a win
the first round i use fog and the second round i use electricfication still can't win
he meant frog my guy, lmao
if you combined frog and electrification, it's gg
how do you even get stuck that long in that fight... the game is around 3 hours minimum (if you speedran it) to 6 hours maximum gameplay...
After the Incident in Mall What do i do now?
I want to unlock Uraraka last bathroom scene but, The quest says Focus On the Main quest but wheres the main quest?
Is there an h scene for jirou now?
get closer with mei
How do I unlock the videos for jiro pls help
Theres none FOR NOW.
Is it lagging for anyone else?
I can press a button 15 times and it will work 20 seconds later how do fix this pls
Potato phone maybe?
Plz Guy🙏🙏
I need help to have the second video of midnight, I really can't do it 😭
Plaza help me
after the mall rescue event my guy
is there a way I can completely delete outdated save files?
file manager? are you mobile or desktop?
Help what do i do?
Guys what is the latest version? Bcz mine is .23
It's 0.25 but for me I can't open the game
what is the next?
How is that work? I Done black mailing but it said in the memo nothing to do rn
BRO what version is this
At the first scene Theres a Choice(Join Her) click and follow the quest then youll unlock those two
yo man I'd appreciate it if you could do a short tutorial on all froppy. I got the first few easily, but have no clue on every other one (5-11)
Waited do long and story so short. Sad
How i get money in the game?
You know the Beach Go there And theres a cave Fight robots for $ (I recommend fight bot 3 times before heading out)
Please help me
what version is that? based from the text you have to go to mei first then do what they say
Do the beach job first
Where could i find 5 g2 slicers
Keep going to Mysterious Guy in the Alley, you Can keep buying it from him
Just black mail tsuyu in the first scene and continue the story as it is then after completing dooms day task ask may for help
My guy, I got defeated by the alley way boss and now everything is grey I can't travel and stuff. Need a helping hand can someone teach me how to fix it or is it a bug?
Redo the tentacles in the cave do not use the potion make sure ochako is on your team just keep healing and spamming gravity when you reach the back alley use the potion when you meet the last fancy guy
alr thx g, I already completed the game though. But this will be helpful in the near future.
how long do i have to wait for the text in the afternoon at home for jiro?
Where i can find the back ally?
It's between the stores g
how do you build team for hero fest
I can't play jiro part in this new version because the game keep crashing
Why does the game keep crashing after I put my name
Guys how to activate midnight mission on 0.23 and i am on day 154
first, finish all other quests in the journal then go to sleep at night if that doesn't work re-download the game and do what I said again
Is 0.25 still not here
Can somebody help me find high tech friend in tsuyu route
Hatsume in the support lab
How to defeat thugs in alley
Gather as much quirks as possible, and also u can use item to refill skill use.
help affter i have the scene with tsuyu in the dark allley everything is greyed out and i cant leave
You have to go back to the first ally dude, then it will unlock
Bro how did u defeat villains in alley ?