azoomerR that scene is very simple at the start of the game you will focus on ochako until your team joins and then you will do the mission of me from the cave when you get to the laboratory and kill the miniboss
Dunno how I got Ochako but Froppy has 2 route, a bad and a good. I think you went with the good route, the romance. The bad route, which contains more scene, is the blackmail route.
It didn't say in february, it says around , so it can be january/february/march. But their latest update came half a year later so wouldn't be surprised if it comes in summer lol
Edit: As I see in patreon, the 5$ patrons got an update yesterday.
you have to take the blackmail route for tsuyu, I'm guessing you got the fourth clip by replaying the first then picking blackmail, or you had another save where you tried blackmail and thought it didn't matter which one you choose so you carried on with the good route...
get her to join your team (basically go as far to her storyline until she says she'll join your team) then do the cave mission from mei if you brought her with you and even with tsuyu into the tentacle boss fight you'll unlock their cutscenes
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You are not going to leave if you are not going to enter the door on the left, the same for tsuyu right you have to take them with you
azoomerR that scene is very simple at the start of the game you will focus on ochako until your team joins and then you will do the mission of me from the cave when you get to the laboratory and kill the miniboss
How do i do the cave mision? I enter in the cave and can't do a thing, can you tell me what do i have to do pls
it's in the bottom corner of the map, i think it was purple
Es en la esquina inferior del mapa, creo que era púrpura la casa
Sapes385 How did u get 2nd ochako scene? and all of the Fropy ? on Fropy I have only first 4 :l help plz
Dunno how I got Ochako but Froppy has 2 route, a bad and a good. I think you went with the good route, the romance. The bad route, which contains more scene, is the blackmail route.
So I need to replay the whole story to achieve that? okay thanks
Yes, you basically need a replay for that cuz the choice is early in the game.
K1W118 As far as I know, you don't have to do favors for her, ah mei, and she's the only one who can give you money.
how do i get a job?
even the secret scene if you want me to help you have the scene tell me I'll be helping I'll stop by every 2 days to see what they ask
Can you help me to get this scene please ?
yea thats the only one i dont have how do i get it?
ho do i unlock jiro scene
How did u get the 2nd ochako one? and From Fropy I have only 1st 4 and I have no Idea how to get rest pls help
How did you get the last scene of ochako? It's the only one I'm missing
How do i pass the mission of the cave?
How do I get into the training grounds, its not open for me
When will the net update come out? It says around February and February is almost over.
It didn't say in february, it says around , so it can be january/february/march. But their latest update came half a year later so wouldn't be surprised if it comes in summer lol
Edit: As I see in patreon, the 5$ patrons got an update yesterday.
Cool, thanks for telling me.
How to get to jiro path I already apologized
h ow to unlock these?
me eh quedado en esta parte ,, no puedo avanzar.. me podrían decir cómo lo puedo solucionar?
Acabo de empezar a jugar alguien que me ayude con la rana porfa
Como lo pongo en español, se algo de ingles pero no tanto :)
Cómo se pasa la parte de la madre de uraraka no e podido hacer nada desde hace una semana
Para las personas que no saben donde esta en callejon
For people who do not know where it is in alley
te amo amigo llevaba 30 MINUTOS XD
How do you find the back alley spot for tsuyus story
did you find out or still stuck?
I had to choose between getting a massage or training. correct: massage haha
Igual me quede atascado y no me deja salir ni nada como puedo pasar ?
Que se hace después de esto???
How do i get money?
¿Cómo recluto a jiro antes de continuar con la historia principal?
how I can continuos Tsuru mision?
how I can get the rest?
the other path with tsuyu with the blackmail
How to unlock photo number 5?
did you figure it out
it wont let me in the mall it keeps saying i don.t have enough money can any one tell me how much i need or if i have to do anything to get in
Alguien me podria ayudar a como desbloquear estas escenas de la versión 24
I also have that doubt, only for version 26... I can't move on from there
you have to take the blackmail route for tsuyu, I'm guessing you got the fourth clip by replaying the first then picking blackmail, or you had another save where you tried blackmail and thought it didn't matter which one you choose so you carried on with the good route...
Como desbloqueastes esos q tienes allí yo no los eh podido desbloquear porfa decime
9ive clica na seta amarela aponada para esquerda
9live haga clic en la flecha amarilla que apunta a la izquierda
It says i need to check some stage on the mall but i cannot find it
yellow arrow on the left...
Como desbloqueio??
How Unlock?
Como le encuentro trabajo a ochako
get her to join your team (basically go as far to her storyline until she says she'll join your team) then do the cave mission from mei if you brought her with you and even with tsuyu into the tentacle boss fight you'll unlock their cutscenes
¿Sabes dónde está la casa de Ochako?
Es en la esquina inferior del mapa, creo que era una casa púrpura
hey friend, how did you get the last scene of ochako? It's the last one I'm missing.